New Acc.
By Sara:
Hello dear readers, as you noticed
yes have, I do not visit more stardoll.
my acc I have shared with a friend, knowing my best
* eh (: Now my friend has her own blog as well & Acc
own You can see them and visit their blog so times
On Sd.. : Glamou_Girl_M
Blogspot: The
Now my friend to say something to
From Marina:..
Hi all additionally
My name is Marina, some of you know me so how FunMouse, etc.
I have until recently shared with the Acc Sara, now I have
a new one. & Sara "our" ACC itself, too bad, however, sara is
stardol visit to be applicable, so you do not like it -.- 'Well, repays,
I have a self-Acc, and Sara who knows well, knows me as well, because
prop, we were always in pairs inside, but only at the name of Sara xD
If you want you can Adden me.
my name: Glamour_Girl_M
& but please visit my blog spot ^ ^
Lg Sara and Marina