Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Can I Make My Outboard Faster

profit of

Right now I need to be a bit longer because I am still struck with a cold, vertigo a little head and a sore throat, but still want to once again a bit of give was "known "

Last year I had gone through by accident, in which action by Blogger , with this post.

On 1 February 2011 I received the following mail:
Hey Quinn,

you won the lottery the Samsung Power Online Galaxy Tab!
times I need your address;)

Regards, Udo
The draw was only on 2 Take place in February, but in which, for me, a few number of participants, it was probably faster and clearly I was thrilled:) In addition, Samsung is my favorite brand. Nevertheless, I must admit that at first I did not know what kind of a Galaxy Tab oO

Only 2 days later, then my profit already arrived at my house:

was of course love the most turn to later to show me exactly how the device. OO running (OK) Oo. :) Thank you for the winning draw. Where am always interested in retrospect, as applied to the winner, if indeed the required contributions will be read only or whether it is drawn at random ...
as it may, a mystery will probably remain so always:)



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